Harpenden Choral Society is holding a taster evening to welcome new members next month.

The amateur choir is keen to recruit members at an open rehearsal of Bach's B Minor Mass on on Tuesday, September 10.

Attendees should arrive at 7.45pm for an 8pm start, and the rehearsal will finish at 10pm.

Admission is free and scores and refreshments will be provided.

Harpenden Choral Society has around 75 members. Their 2023 to 2024 season included performances of Handel's Dixit Dominus, Scarlatti's St Cecilia Mass, Haydn's Nelson Mass and the Duruflé Requiem.

The choir also held their popular annual Christmas carol concert and collaborated with Onyx Brass for their summer concert.

Now they are aiming to recruit new members in all voice sections as they make plans for their 50th anniversary in 2025.

A spokesperson for the group said: "Singers can be sure to find challenge and inspiration as well as having great fun singing with a friendly group of people."

Free singing lessons are offered to new joiners under the age of 30.

Reduced subscriptions are also available for people under 30, full-time students and anyone in receipt of income-related benefits.

For more information contact membership secretary Melanie on membership@harpendenchoralsociety.org.