Pubs in St Albans and Harpenden have reacted after the Prime Minister appeared to confirm reports of a ban on outdoor smoking.

Keir Starmer refused to rule out a ban on smoking outdoors when questioned earlier today (August 29), following reports in national newspapers that the government are planning to announce new laws.

Smoking has been a hot-button political issue this year, with the then Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announcing plans back in April to ban the sale of cigarette for future generations.

The new government shares Sunak's desire to crack down on smoking, citing the 80,000 "preventable deaths" it causes each year.

But the plans have been met with a negative reaction from publicans who fear the negative impact on their businesses at a time when the hospitality sector is already struggling.

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Kieran Ramsey from the Harpenden Arms said: "It would definitely have a negative impact. Like everywhere, we have a smoking area and bringing this in would impact people's enjoyment of the pub.

"People who smoke would feel ostracised and will go and smoke elsewhere."

Ryan Gould, from the Victoria in St Albans, agrees, saying: "We'd see fewer customers coming in, not just here but at all pubs."

He added: "As a sports bar, we know a lot of people like to have a smoke outside while watching the football."

His view was not entirely shared by James Pratt of St Albans' Robin Hood pub.

He said: "We don't know what the impact will be until it becomes law, although the smoking ban indoors didn't really affect us - I suppose this won't either."

He's still opposed to the ban on principal, but said: "The people who want to come for a drink will still come for a drink."

Reaction from readers has been negative, with more than a dozen weighing in on social media.

One wrote: "It's out of order we already have a sustainable compromise with the no smoking indoors policy which I agree with...this is one step too far."

Another said: "I am not a smoker but people who want to should be allowed to outside. I think this  will harm the pub and bar industry."