Four new homes could be built in St Albans after plans were submitted to the district council for a development on Hatfield Road.

Architect and designer John Nicol has applied for permission on behalf of a client to demolish the existing bungalow at 610 Hatfield Road, behind the Shell garage.

This would enable the construction of four three-bedroom homes at the site.

A version of the plans was rejected by the council's planning committee earlier this year due to concerns over access and road safety. 

The decision notice said: "The proposed development would see a significant intensification of use of the existing access and it has not been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the local planning authority that adequate sight lines can be accommodated to ensure essential road safety for vehicles and pedestrians."

The plans have now been re-submitted with added measures that the applicant says ensures the safety of the site and should enable the development to proceed.

Hertfordshire County Council says in a letter that they have "no significant objections to the proposals at this stage".

A design and access statement included within the application insists that "there would not be any loss of privacy or amenity for neighbours or for future occupiers".

Suggested Reading:

Changes made to the application ahead of being resubmitted include:

  • Measures to prevent material from the existing gravel driveway spilling onto the footpath and road,
  • Improved pedestrian access for older and disabled people.
  • Proposals for the collection and disposal of surface water within the site to prevent it entering the surrounding highway.

Developers will hope that these changes can stave off the raft of objections the plans were met with late last year.

In all, 12 objections were recorded, with one resident writing: "Adding four new properties and 10 car parking spaces will create a huge disturbance as the proposed access is a private drive next to my flat."

The resubmitted plans have gone back to the public for a consultation, with residents having until September 28 to comment.

You can do so by visiting the St Albans City and District Council planning portal and entering the reference 5/2024/0838 .