More than 500 people have signed a petition against plans to end free parking in the area surrounding Clarence Park in St Albans.

Parking has been a hot topic in recent weeks, with widespread opposition to plans to implement parking charges on Harpenden High Street.

Now, a fresh backlash has been mounted against proposals that would see currently free parking on York Road cut to 20 minutes.

The petition says: "The new 20 minute limit for free parking will discourage use of Clarence Park and force visitors to either pay parking charges or seek parking in already congested nearby roads.

"We believe that the council is acting unfairly and unreasonably in requiring park users who cannot get a space in the small park car park to now have to pay charges every time they want to visit Clarence Park for longer than 20 minutes."

Residents also argue that the plans would push parking into the adjacent road, causing difficulties for those who live nearby.

They believe that the current parking system is adequate and should be left alone.

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St Albans City and District Council recently concluded a controversial consultation on plans to end free parking across the district, a move they say is necessary and will ultimately benefit the community.

Having amassed 557 signatures in less than a week, the petition now must be debated by councillors at a future meeting.

You can view the petition by visiting