A decision over controversial plans for new homes in Chiswell Green is set to be made tonight (September 2), after an admin error led to a month-long delay.

Councillors on St Albans City and District Council's Development Management Committee are set to vote on plans for four new homes on Tippendell Lane.

If approved, a bungalow would be demolished to make way for for three new two-storey houses and a single-storey property.

A decision had been expected at last month's meeting of the committee on August 5, but the vote was pulled at the last minute after an 'admin error' in the report rendered the motion null and void.

Committee Chair Cllr Edgar Hill said at the meeting that it was the first time in "many years" that such an error had occurred.

This followed 20 minutes of heated debate on the proposals, during which a parish councillor and resident voiced their opposition to the plans.

Written objections have been received from 13 neighbouring addresses and the plans have been called in by Cllr Nuala Webb, who claims that the proposal represents "gross overdevelopment of the site" and "does not reflect the character of the area."

Common reasons listed by objectors include the 'overbearing' nature of the proposed houses, the loss of light and privacy, environmental impact on the St Albans Green Belt and the impact construction would have on the area.

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Since the initial application was submitted, developers have sought to assuage some of these concerns by making amendments to the proposals.

In April the plans were resubmitted with alterations to some of the boundaries and a daylight assessment.

With the initial error in the report amended, the plans will again be discussed and debated at tonight's meeting, with a decision expected to be made.

Planning officers have recommended that the committee provisionally approve the application.