Harpenden's photographic society has revealed the most popular images from its recent exhibition.

The latest iteration of the annual event took place on April 27, and welcomed over 250 attendees throughout the day.

Images were voted for by the public, with Julie Cawthorpe's image of a gorilla 'Deep in Thought' claiming first place.

Herts Advertiser: Julie Cawthorpe's image of a gorilla named 'Deep in Thought' came first in the competition.Julie Cawthorpe's image of a gorilla named 'Deep in Thought' came first in the competition. (Image: Steve Collins / Harpenden Photographic Society)

'Dancing Lights' featuring a child's eye came second, while 'Field Barns of Upper Swaledale' took third.

Steve Collins, chair of the Harpenden Photographic Society (HPS) commented: “We were thrilled once again by the warm reception from attendees to our annual exhibition.

Herts Advertiser: 'Dancing Lights' by Helen Ogleby.'Dancing Lights' by Helen Ogleby. (Image: Steve Collins / Harpenden Photographic Society)

"The day was fantastic, and it’s always wonderful to see members of the public enjoying all the beautiful work on display.

"We invited each visitor to vote for their three favourites from a selection of over 180 print images on display.

"Now the votes have been counted, I am delighted to announce the most popular images.


"I would also invite anyone interested in joining HPS to get in touch, as we’re always interested in welcoming new members to the society."

The Harpenden Photographic Society's annual exhibition is now in its 88th year.

Herts Advertiser: 'Field Barns of Upper Swaledale' by Peter Whitehead.'Field Barns of Upper Swaledale' by Peter Whitehead. (Image: Steve Collins / Harpenden Photographic Society)

Further information can be found at www.harpendenphotographicsociety.co.uk