Labour's Deputy Leader Angela Rayner joined the party's Hitchin candidate Alistair Strathern on the campaign trail, with the pair focusing on leasehold reform.

Mr Strathern, formerly the MP for Mid Bedfordshire will be contesting the newly created Hitchin seat against Conservative Bim Afolami, who held the now defunct seat of Hitchin and Harpenden.

Labour have described the current leasehold system as 'archaic' and pledged to make commonhold 'the default' if they win a majority on July 4. 

Mrs Rayner has been one of Labour's loudest voices on the policy, alongside Mr Strathern, who has been endorsed by campaign group Free Leaseholders.

Speaking on the campaign trail, he said: "It's fantastic to have Angela Rayner out campaigning with us.

"Right across our towns and villages we know residents living on new estates are being let down, whether it's leasehold, 'fleecehold' or the never-ending issues of estates adoption.

"We need a government that is going to take action to help leaseholders, and this election is our chance to get exactly that."

Mr Strathern and Mr Afolami will be joined on the ballot paper in Hitchin by Charles Bunker (Reform UK), Will Lavin (Green Party) and Chris Lucas (Liberal Democrats).

Bim Afolami was approached for comment.