Who would have thought that a play with meteorological terms and calculations thrown around like confetti would be so compelling?

But at no time in recent history had weather conditions been more vital than for the D-Day landings.

And that is at the heart of Pressure by David Haig, the current production by the Company of Ten in the Abbey Theatre.

General Eisenhower had to take the final decision about which day weather-wise was best for the landings.

But he found himself in the middle of a meteorological tussle between Scottish Dr James Stagg and US weather ‘expert’ Colonel Irving Crick.

And that is at the heart of a play that could not have been a better choice from the Company of Ten during the 80th commemoration of D-Day.

Directed by the experienced Angela Stone, it is played out of a set brilliantly designed by Dennis O’Connell Baker equipped with old telephones, rickety tables and chairs and giant maps.

It really feels as though you are in the cramped conditions of the time as numbers are shouted out and scribbled down and weather conditions argued over.

But there is more to the story than that – in its midst are strong personal emotions, not least the imminent birth of Stagg’s son and the relationship between Eisenhower and his Irish driver Kay Summersby.

At no time are they allowed to dominate the drama of settling on the best day for the landings but they demonstrate the human side of the characters whilst under extreme pressure.

Marlon Gill takes the main role of Dr Stagg and imbues the part with such strong emotions that he seems almost at breaking point at times.

As he gets increasingly exhausted and strung out, he brilliantly demonstrates the pressures brought about by both the need to get the forecast right and concern for his wife.

Company of Ten stalwart Russell Vincent is Eisenhower, bowing under the pressure to ensure the troops land in France in the best possible conditions.

He excels at depicting fierce anger and bullishness as well as demonstrating a softer side in the American general.

Amy Wedgwood brings out the human side of Kay Summersby in her dealings with both Eisenhower and Stagg.

And Christopher Vincent as Colonel Crick captures his character’s initial pigheaded-ness and eventual concession that Stagg is right.

They are backed by an excellent cast who combine to demonstrate how vital it was to get the D-Day forecast correct.

Pressure can be seen at the Abbey Theatre until Saturday (June 15) and tickets are available from the box office on 01727 857861 or go to www.abbeytheatre.org.uk.