An investigation into drink spiking incidents at a pub in St Albans has now been closed.

Back in January, police looked into two suspected spiking's at The Horn, carrying out medical testing, taking statements and reviewing CCTV footage.

The Horn cooperated fully with the investigation, and no suspicious substances were identified during tests, with the case now closed.

"Drink spiking is an issue that we take very seriously, and we would like to thank the two women involved for reporting their experience to us so that we could investigate and identify any potential offenders," said a Herts police spokesperson.

"We would encourage anyone who suspects they may have been spiked to please do the same.

"Whilst everyone should be able to enjoy a safe night out, we'd ask people to please consider the following advice to help stop opportunists.

"Never leave your drink unattended and do not accept drinks from someone you do not know. Keep an eye on your friends. Let a member of staff know straightaway if you start feeling unwell.

"If you suspect you may have been spiked, report it to police as soon as possible to allow fast time enquiries to be carried out."