A St Albans comedy festival has been given the go ahead by councillors after concerns had been raised by nearby residents.

The St Albans Comedy Garden is set to return for a fourth year in 2024, with Harry Hill, Josh Widdicombe and Jo Brand among the luminaries appearing at Verulamium Park from the 24-28 July.

But a row had been brewing over plans to move the event from the water meadow to a big top at the front meadow of the park.

A meeting of the St Albans City and District Council Sub-Licensing committee on June 5 saw organisers put forward plans for the event to move to a new location in the park, seeking a fresh licence in the process.

The committee have now green lit the plans, with the licence granted with conditions.

The conditions relate to the objections made by residents on the grounds of noise and the exposure of children to swearing.

In setting out their decision, the committee said: "We consider the noise management plan in place will adequately address the management of the noise from the events. We note that the events will end before 10.45pm and there is a plan to design the layout to enable swift dispersal from the events."

They added that they are 'satisfied' that organisers have a plan in place to prevent noise.

Read more:

• St Albans Comedy Garden in licensing row as summer looms

• Line-up announced for St Albans Comedy Garden 2024

• St Albans: Verulamium Park event days could double

Two residents had previously expressed concerns about the late finish times creating noise pollution on the streets afterward, as well as fears that some comedians acts could contain colourful language, creating a risk of children in the park hearing, particularly during afternoon hours.

The committee responded to this, saying: "We also note that the attendance is approximately 1,750 individuals and not all attendees will be present at the same time; we consider that this will effectively address the dispersal concerns."

The objectors now have 21 days to launch an appeal if they are not satisfied with the outcome.