On the eve of Euro 2024, Herts police have issued a warning to football fans about the risks posed by heavy drinking during the tournament.

With England opening their campaign against Serbia on Sunday (June 16), police are braced for an uptick in callouts for drunk and disorderly behaviour.

Chief Inspector Victoria Richards said: “It should be a very exciting tournament and we know that emotions run high, but we would please ask people to remember that not all Hertfordshire residents and visitors are football fans, so please try not to disturb their daily lives.

“The vast majority of football fans who either travel to the tournament or watch the matches at home or in a bar or pub are law-abiding and peaceful; however, we will act strongly to deal with any troublemakers and drunk and disorderly members of the public."

Police have also warned people flying to Germany to follow the rules, reminding fans that British police will be working with German authorities to identify troublemakers.

While English football's reputation for hooliganism is largely a thing of the past, there has been a slight increase in incidents since the end of the COVID-19 lockdown.

Chief Inspector Richards said: "We are fully aware that football tournaments can increase the risk of public disorder and that is why we have planned for additional resources to be in place on England matchdays."

Statistics also show that incidences of domestic violence rise when England play in major tournaments, especially when they lose.

Herts police have a free domestic abuse helpline on 08 088 088 088 which will be open throughout Euro 2024.