With an increase in vehicle thefts across Hertfordshire, police have issued a warning to car owners.

Drivers are being advised to make sure vehicles are secure following a rise in vehicle thefts around the county.

Thefts have increased by just under five per cent since April 1, compared to the same period last year. However in some areas the increases were significantly higher.

In North Herts offences increased by more than 45 per cent, in Broxbourne thefts were up 31 per cent, and in Dacorum they were up 12 per cent.

Nicola Chamberlain, Hertfordshire Constabulary’s Crime Prevention lead, said: “Thefts of vehicles have increased over the last few months, but some areas have been hit worse than others.

"Many of the vehicles targeted by thieves have been high value keyless entry vehicles, particularly during the evenings and overnight.

“We’re advising drivers to make sure vehicles are locked up before leaving them unattended and to consider using a good quality steering wheel lock, which is a great deterrent.

"If you have a keyless entry vehicle, use a signal blocking fob pouch (Faraday bag) and keep fobs and store any spare keys in a metal box when not in use, so that criminals can’t use signal relay devices to unlock and start your vehicle remotely.”

Reporting crime

You can report information about crime in Herts online at www.herts.police.uk/report, speak to an operator in Hertfordshire Constabulary's Force Communications Room via the online web chat tool or call the non-emergency number 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency.

You can also report vehicle crime anonymously by contacting the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their untraceable online form at crimestoppers-uk.org


Top crime prevention tips

To minimise the chance of becoming a victim of vehicle theft, police offer the following advice to keep your car safe.

  • Lock your car whenever it is left unattended and keep it in a garage when parked at night if possible.
  • When at home, keep your keyless car fob (and the spare) well away from the car.
  • Put the keys in a screened or signal-blocking pouch, such as a Faraday Bag.
  • An approved strong full cover steering wheel lock prevents theft, even if the vehicle security system is bypassed. 
  • Reprogramme your key fobs if you buy a second-hand car.
  • Turn off wireless signals on your fob when it's not being used.
  • Never leave your vehicle unattended with the engine running, even if you are only absent for a moment. 
  • Consider fitting CCTV covering your home and driveway, to help deter thieves.
  • Use PIR or LED security lighting to make your vehicle more visible as this can also act as a deterrent.
  • Always consider parking in a car park that has been accredited with the police approved “Park Mark” scheme.
  • Noisy gravel on your drive can help deter a would-be thief, as they don’t want to alert you to their approach.
  • Never leave valuable items or tools on display in your vehicle as this may encourage a thief to break in.
  • For security products for your vehicles search the ‘accredited products’ page on the Secured by Design website www.securedbydesign.com - a police-approved website.


Vehicle thefts 01/04/25 – 12/06/24


  • This year: 511
  • Last year: 488
  • Change: 23
  • % Change: 4.7%


  • This year: 67
  • Last year: 51
  • Change: 16
  • % Change: 31.4%


  • This year: 82
  • Last year: 73
  • Change: 9
  • % Change: 12.3%


  • This year: 44
  • Last year: 61
  • Change: -17
  • % Change: -27.9%


  • This year: 69
  • Last year: 62
  • Change: 7
  • % Change: 11.3%


  • This year: 32
  • Last year: 22
  • Change: 10
  • % Change: 45.5%


  • This year: 43
  • Last year: 40
  • Change: 3
  • % Change: 7.5%


  • This year: 17
  • Last year: 26
  • Change: -9
  • % Change: -34.6%


  • This year: 36
  • Last year: 48
  • Change: -12
  • % Change: -25.0%


  • This year: 65
  • Last year: 59
  • Change: 6
  • % Change: 10.2%


  • This year: 51
  • Last year: 46
  • Change: 5
  • % Change: 10.9%