The climate crisis will be put under the microscope when candidates in St Albans attend an 'Environment Question Time' next week.

As polling day nears, voters will have a chance to scrutinise prospective MPs' green credentials at the special hustings, which takes place next Monday (June 24) at the Maltings Auditorium.

Doors will open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start, with the session lasting 90 minutes.

Four of the seven candidates have confirmed they will be attending, allowing the public to grill them on environmental issues.

They are: Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrat, MP for St Albans in the last Parliament), Sophia Adams Bhatti (Labour Party), Simon Grover (Green Party) and James Spencer (Conservative Party).

Candidates will discuss how they plan to tackle the climate and nature crises, as well as the issues of green belt development and pollution.

Questions will be taken by the audience on the night.

Attendance is free but organisers have warned that spaces are limited and have encouraged people to sign up online in advance.

The debate is being organised by a coalition of St Albans and District Friends of the Earth, St Albans Greenpeace, Sustainable St Albans, St Albans Extinction Rebellion, the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust and St Albans Green Christians.

It will be will be chaired by local radio host Nick Hazell.

You can register to attend the event by visiting Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.

The General Election takes place on Thursday, July 4.

In addition to the four candidates attending the debate, the ballot paper will contain John Dowdle (Reform UK), Stewart Satterly (Social Democratic Party) and Dafydd Morris (Heritage Party).