Ahead of polling day, the six candidates in Harpenden and Berkhamsted faced off in a hustings at the Katherine Warington School.

The event saw the six hopefuls in the new constituency give a four-minute opening statement before a wide-ranging, hour-long debate on the key issues.

Five of the six candidates attended, with the Labour candidate Zara Layne represented by Symon Vego.

Candidates clashed on a number of local and national issues from Brexit and the economy to the Harpenden High Street and housing.

They rounded off the evening with two-minute closing statements.

All six also took the time to speak to voters individually and distribute campaign literature to the 200 strong crowd in attendance.

The six candidates who will be on the ballot paper are: Zara Layne (Labour Party), Paul de Hoest (Green Party) , Nigel Gardner (Conservative), Mark Patten (Social Democratic Party), Saba Poursaeedi (Reform UK) and Victoria Collins (Liberal Democrats).