Education officials have drawn up plans that could permanently increase the number of places at an over-subscribed secondary school in St Albans.

Officially bosses at Beaumont School can offer just 210 places to new pupils starting each September.

But since 2022 they have been asked to take an extra class of pupils each year – increasing the overall numbers at the school.

Now education officials have drawn up plans to fund additional facilities at the site, that could enable a permanent increase in the number of places available, from 210 per year to 240.

The proposals were outlined on Tuesday (June 18) at a meeting of the county council’s education, libraries and lifelong learning cabinet panel.

Councillors heard there was already a DfE school rebuilding project ongoing at the school, designed to invest in the overall site.

They were told there was now an opportunity for the county council to engage in a joint project with the DfE to enable the expansion of the school, alongside the re-provisioning of facilities.

This could increase the number of places available overall to 1,200, excluding the Sixth Form.

Councillors were told that this would provide an opportunity for the county council to secure good value.

The report did acknowledge a level of “risk” associated with the project.

But the financial implications of the project were not reported in public – with discussion about the finances held in private.

Before backing the proposal, councillors heard that demand for places at Beaumont School was “significant”.

More than 1,200 pupils applied for Year 7 places at the school for September  – with 400 of those being first choices.

The meeting heard that children had had to live within 660m of the school in order to secure a place, according to ‘last distance’ criteria.

Speaking in favour of the proposals, Liberal Democrat councillor Anthony Rowlands highlighted an initial decision to “revert to seven form entry this year”.

That would have restricted Year 7 places available in September to 210 and had, said Cllr Rowlands, “led to very considerable and understandable consternation”.

He said he was grateful that the county had moved swiftly to reinstate eight form entry for this September.

However he did acknowledged that any expansion of a school would have wider implications.

More widely it was reported that demand for secondary school places in St Albans has risen significantly in the last decade.

Ten years ago there were 1,268 pupils entering secondary schools in St Albans. This has risen to approximately 1,800 – an increase of more than 40 per cent.

According to the officers’ report, the council has already invested more than £28m to ensure sufficient places across St Albans, including permanent expansion projects at Beaumont School, Marlborough Science Academy, Samuel Ryder Academy, Sandringham School and St Albans Girls’ School.

At the meeting the proposal was unanimously backed by members of the cabinet panel.

A future meeting of the council’s cabinet will be asked to determine whether or not to approve the capital funding.

The decision on whether the school could expand on a permanent basis would be made by the Department for Education’s regional director.