Harpenden Barbershop Harmony Club (HBHC) is marking its 40th anniversary with the premiere of three songs.

The chorus has spent the past year collaborating with St Albans-based composer Charlotte Botterill, as part of the charity Making Music's 'Adopt a Music Creator' project.

Together they have created 'In Retrospect', a trilogy of songs exploring memories - those which are personal to the chorus, those which are universal, and our own perception of memories.

The premiere will take place at St John's Church in Harpenden at 7pm on Saturday, November 16, as part of a joint charity concert with St Albans' Abbey Gateway Orchestra.

Proceeds will go towards Macmillan Cancer Support.

HBHC chair Mike Rose said: "This concert will be the culmination of the club’s celebrations for its ruby anniversary year.


"It will be a fun evening with all proceeds going to a very good cause. We will be singing songs both old and new, with Charlotte’s song being the centrepiece of course.

"Plus, the orchestra will be playing a number of well-known pieces for the audience to enjoy."

Tickets cost £15 and include a glass of wine. To buy tickets email Drew McKenzie at andrewmckenzie196@gmail.com with the number of tickets required.