St Albans Striders were heading mostly north this week as they tackle half and full marathons.

The 13.1 mile run came at the Great Manchester Run Half Marathon where Max Campbell and Blake Vivian both represented England.

And they did their country proud, finishing sixth and 17th in their age groups on a particularly wet day.

Vivian finished in 1:21:08, which placed him 136th overall while Campbell clocked 1:25:27 for 252nd.

Across the border, four Striders took part in the Edinburgh Marathon.

They too had to contend with persistently heavy rain but father and daughter, Gwynfor and Agnes Tyley, crossed the line together in 3:53:21.

Sophie French and Kate Tettmar were the other two Striders pounding the streets of Edinburgh, finishing in 3:39:46 and 4:27:22.