Harpenden Bowling Club enjoyed a good evening in another busy week of competitive bowls for clubs.

The men enjoyed a very good win in the first round of the Jones Cup in a tight match against near neighbours Batchwood.

The away rink of Mike Arnold, Dave Kilvert, Tim Dale and Gordon Burrow had a closely contested game before eventually losing by four shots.

However, the home quartet of Brian Moores, Andrew Whitehurst, Andy Stephenson and Roy Polley won 19-12 to send Harpenden through by three shots.

They will have another derby in the next round against Townsend.

Meanwhile, the club's men kicked off their County League campaign against Welwyn Garden City, winning on both rinks.

Trevor Tharby, David Brooks, Steve Maynard and John Osborn had to come from 8-0 down to win 24-12 while Joe Festa, Kevin Brazier, Tony Redford and Neil Herrington needed an extra end to clinch a 12-11 success.

Townsend had a number of friendlies to play this week.

There was a 92-48 derby win over St Albans, the trio of Lorna Thomson, Bob Lawrie and Peter Thomson with a convincing 42-7 result on one rink.

They also beat Datchworth at the weekend 45-35, winning on two of the three rinks, the best of them a 21-11 success for Bernadette Martindill, John Oakey and Ted Marriott.

However, the second weekend friendly saw Tring win by 11 shots, despite the efforts of Brian Connelly, playing in his first match for the club, Derek Connelly and Marriott.

Townsend's one big competitive match saw Alan Charran and Matt Pope continue their progress in the County Pairs with a 20-15 win over Batchwood.

St Albans were without  friendly on Saturday as that was rearranged for later in the season but they did play on Sunday, winning 93-69 away to Northaw & Cuffley.

The mixed triples games wasn't as emphatic a success as it first appears though, edging home in only three of the five rinks with the top rink that of Ian Simons, Carole Ewer and skip Alan Turner.